
Thanks To Our Sponsors

Envision Cinemas

Presenting Sponsor

Envision brings back the glory of cinema's past with a modern twist. From our full bar & grille to the push-button service in our modern recliners, we've designed the entire experience with you in mind.

Cincinnati Bell

Festhaus Sponsor

With Fioptics Gigabit Internet, you have all the speed you need for now and in the future - for all of your devices.

HILO Nutrition

Collegiate Tournament Sponsor

Specialized nutrition now in gummy form. Starting with Pre-Workout.

Miami University AIMS

Video Board Sponsor

AIMS is a cross-disciplinary institute that works with students and faculty from across Miami University, offering undergraduate, graduate certificate and graduate programs. We explore the intersection of technology, design business, and how digital technology is transforming traditional areas of inquiry.

Monster Energy Drink

Mobile App SPonsor

Monster Energy is way more than an energy drink. Led by our athletes, musicians, employees, distributors and fans, Monster is a lifestyle in a can!

  • In-Kind Sponsors

  • Exhibitors

PiviP is Free with Park Admission

Get Your Game On May 18!